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We’ve been talking and writing about the problems people experience in their residential drainage systems for a couple years now.

So how do you know you’ve got a problem?

Drainage issues rear their ugly heads in many different ways. It’s ironic, and you might think a damp basement means your drainage is working too well, but a little further investigation would definitely reveal a sign that something is blocked, broken, or botched.

I’d wager you’d know a problem exists if you have a completely flooded room – nothing screams “it’s time to panic” like a swimming pool in your living room. But what if there’s a peculiar damp smell in your home? Don’t count on it going away – get that checked!

One of the main problems we come across is when the symptoms of poor drainage are impossible to see, hear, or smell. Blocked municipal storm outlets or connections are a good example, and it’s a problem we’re well aware of in the Lower Mainland and on Vancouver Island. Cracked foundations are another – they might be hidden from view, but that doesn’t mean they’re not lurking in the shadows and causing major problems down the road.

So, every spring and every fall should be otherwise known as drainage maintenance season. Once the weather starts to change for good, use that trigger to get your system checked so you don’t have to worry about flooding in your home.

Here’s the breakdown of our water jet drain cleaning and maintenance process. 

1. Camera First, Action Second

So what exactly is going on in there? It’s important to diagnose a problem before you go in and start rooting around. That’s why we send in video diagnostic tools (long, fancy, flexible cameras) first.

2. Water Jet Flushing

The video never lies. In a lot of cases a residential drainage system can be cured by simply flushing the pipes with an appropriately-powered water jet to clear silt, dirt, and iron oxide. Appropriate because it’s important not to cause further damage by over-kill blasting the system with an auger, which can cause damage.  I believe the proper phrase is not tossing the baby out with the bathwater? Although I’ve never been a huge fan of that one…

3. High Pressure Water Jet Maintenance

Clean pipes mean clean water. Once a pipe is free and clear, it’s ok to use a high power water stream because there’s much less friction – the water travels seamlessly through the pipes and fittings and stops build-up before it has a chance to build up. Cool, huh?

4. Your Home & Its Perimeter Drainage

Sometimes it’s not as easy as flushing the system. See those huge coastal BC trees in your yard? Well, just imagine the roots winding their way through the ground for a hundred years below the surface of the soil. Life always finds a way!

Sometimes we have to cure the perimeter, or the exterior of a home, by using augers to clear roots before they have a chance to damage your drainage system. Plastic pipes are no match for an ancient tree that’s going to grow whether you want it to or not. Plus, we can always repair the pipe after we remove the natural threat for another century or two.

There you have it! A clean and easy water jet process that’s suitable for residential homes primarily, though we’ve also worked on commercial properties and plenty of townhouse and strata units.

Need to give your pipes a flush? Give us a shout!